Submitted by: SarahLea Rhodes
Intestinal yeast infection is a very misunderstood health problem. Most doctors and other health professionals tend to think of a yeast infection as just a minor problem that women get from time-to-time. They identify the infection with its outward symptoms such as itching, rash, and burning. These doctors are ignorant to the fact that a yeast infection can be a very serious illness and that the root of the illness is usually deep within the body.
While the most obvious symptoms occur on the outside of the body the real problem lies in the digestive system, including the stomach and intestines. Normal, healthy intestines are populated by hundreds of good bacteria. These bacteria aid in the digestion of food. Their job is to extract the valuable nutrients from the food we eat and deliver them to our bloodstream. A small amount of Candida yeast also lives in the intestines of all healthy individuals.
Both the good bacteria and the Candida yeast serve a very important purpose in our intestines and are necessary for good health. The good bacteria keep the yeast under control. The yeast is always trying to grow and multiply. The good bacteria feed on the yeast and maintain the intestines in the proper balance. When the good bacteria exists in the correct amount it consumes just enough yeast to keep the yeast from growing out of control but not so much that it completely eliminates the yeast.
Antibiotics or an unhealthy diet can reduce the amount of good bacteria in the intestines. When the good bacteria is not present in there is nothing to stop the yeast from growing. Without the good bacteria the yeast will multiple very fast and take over the intestines. The yeast will turn into a fungus which enters the bloodstream through the walls of the intestines. When this happens, the yeast infection spreads throughout the body causing a strange variety of symptoms and literally destroying our health. This is known as a systemic yeast infection and it is much more common than doctors are willing to admit.
There are dozens of symptoms of a systemic yeast infection including:
(1) Chronic Fatigue
(2) Depression
(3) Bloating
(4) Intestinal Cramps
(5) Diarrhea
(6) Constipation
(7) Allergies
(8) Memory Loss
(9) Mood Swings
(10) Constipation
Treating only the outward symptoms, as most doctors do, is a temporary solution at best. Medicines applied to the skin’s surface may temporarily kill the yeast that has surfaced in that particular place but they do nothing to stop the yeast that is growing and multiplying inside the body. The only way to treat intestinal yeast infection is to attack the root problem. We must stop the yeast from growing, restore the proper balance of good bacteria within the body, and establish an environment within the body that will prevent this horrible problem from ever coming back.
While this might sound difficult, it is really easy. It can be done in a short time without using drugs or doctors by following the simple steps of the Yeast Free Life program. Learn the truth at YeastFreeLife.com.
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there is a simple 4-step intestinal yeast infection cure that is guaranteed to permanently cure all yeast infections without doctors, drugs, or strange diets. Learn the secret that has worked for over 5,600 women and men.
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