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Submitted by: Rikkie Thampsom
People who have never experienced addiction firsthand often mistakenly believe that it is a choice a simple matter of a lack of willpower. However, medical professionals have determined that addiction is a permanent neurological disease which requires clinical treatment. Ending the misconception about addiction and willpower would greatly benefit addicts and the communities in which they live.
However, recovery from addiction does involve many choices. Addicts may not have control over their urges to use drugs, but they can make important decisions about their environments and personal associations. With quality treatment and training, they can even make decisions which affect their mental states and allow them to resist urges to use drugs. These decisions are often extremely difficult. Here are some of the hard choices addicts face before, during, and after treatment.
The Decision to Seek Help
Even though most addicts drug habits bring nothing but negativity to their lives, seeking help is an incredibly painful choice to make. It forces people to confront their problems and recognize the distress they have brought to themselves and their loved ones.
Making the choice to attend rehab can also be frightening. Even addicts who have never undergone treatment typically know that detox and withdrawal are painful. However, this decision brings great rewards. Support for drug addicts is available throughout the country, but they must make that first step in seeking help. Once they do that, they are well on their way to happier, drug-free lives.
Emotionally Trying Therapies
Once they have gone through detoxification, addicts can also choose the degree to which they engage their therapies. Counseling sessions, group discussions, and family therapy can be extremely emotionally painful. As addicts uncover the root causes of their addictions, they often face hard truths about their characters and personalities.
Like the decision to attend rehab, however, the choice to fully engage these emotional therapies brings great rewards. Addicts may not like what they find out about themselves, their thoughts, and their behaviors, but making these discoveries provides opportunities for personal growth and long-term sobriety.
Breaking Old Habits
Drug use is not the only habit which recovering addicts must avoid. Many activities which addicts used to enjoy while intoxicated can serve as relapse triggers. For instance, going to the bar with friends after work can be a bad choice for recovering alcoholics. Attending concerts where many people use marijuana might likewise be a poor decision for a drug addict.
Though they may not be able to control what triggers their cravings, recovering addicts can make the choice to avoid their triggers. Though these choices can be difficult, maintaining sobriety is always worth the effort.
Cutting Old Ties
Ending relationships with active drug users is the most painful choice for some recovering addicts. Many people who attend rehab have close friends and family members who still use. Though they may still share close personal connections with these people, addicts will inevitably encounter relapse triggers if they continue these associations.
Overall, there are many difficult choices recovering addicts must make as they attend rehab, receive treatment, and build productive, drug-free lives. Most of these choices can be extremely rewarding. If you are currently struggling with your own addiction problems, make the choice to seek help today by following the links below. Our dedicated addiction specialists are standing by to help you take the first steps on the road to recovery.
About the Author: Rikkie has a natural talent for writing and has been making a living as a freelancer for almost 5 years. What’s amazing about Rikkie is he is only 12 years old. He has written ebooks, articles, web content and more for hundreds of satisfied clients all over the world. Use the contact info provided to request work from Rikkie.To speak to an addiction counselor right now (completely confidential) simply click the following link:
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